
Are older runners more disciplined?

We know mature runners are simply not as fast as their younger counterparts, but can they train with less likeliness for injury? An older runner may experience the same type of nagging soreness, but maybe they have researched the benefits of CBD during the training needed to complete 26.2 miles. Will an athlete a bit past their prime be able to endure the rigors of marathon training while seeing the improvements needed to maintain that internal drive, the disciplined tenacity needed to keep working toward a significant goal such as a marathon?

Are we even asking the correct question? Great training may not come down to discipline, but TIME.

Todd Metz

Maybe age-related marathon training comes down to time management or simply put, the availability of free time. As we age, responsibilities change and we find precious additional moments for working out. For example, aging runners are not getting up and making the kids a nice breakfast all while incessantly prodding them to get moving so the whole family unit can get to school and work…on time.

With children gaining independence by earning a driver’s license and later in life, gaining some education past high school, and eventually creating their own autonomous lives, mornings might now be used to get in a quick run on the treadmill prior to starting the workday. Since the family responsibilities shift later in life, parents can get that workout in, feel energized for the day, and remain focused on a marathon plan. More importantly and during the training process, see the positive improvements in training times needed to maintain focus. To not give up and keep pressing for gains.

Let’s take this parenting a bit further. The older generation may not have had as many sports opportunities as we see today. Their idea of AAU sports was tagging along with their parents to softball league, the bowling alley, or the local junior high school gym to man the scoreboard during their dad’s 35-and-over basketball game. Empty nesters no longer must attend all weekend long high-school hockey tournaments, wrestling matches, or sit courtside for volleyball. Parents helping their children reach the NHL may not have sufficient free time to knock out a double-digit training run.

At Run Lab CBD we will discover what effects free time has on our running founders, one old and one young, and provide real-world feedback for your running journey. We explore different training plans, diets, injury prevention, and what effect time management has on running goals.

Of course, we keep you up to date on how our products can keep your running plan on course and keep you on track.

Up next, looking for the perfect training plan and refining the 3-day marathon training plan.

Picture of Todd Metz

Todd Metz

Marathoner and Co-Founder of Run Lab CBD

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